.Exe files are appearing in RARBG torrents, but there is nothing to fear
As the users themselves have warned, in the most recent RARBG torrents have begun to appear files with a .exe extension. And the alerts come because we’re used to associating executable files with malware threats; however, in this case, users can rest assured that the executables included in RARBG torrents do not contain any malware.
The concern has spread among a good part of the users of RARBG mirror sites. Because for just a few days, in new torrents have started to find, as we said, an executable file. Before downloading a torrent, with tools like uTorrent, we can easily see what we are going to download; and in doing so, users have been finding the file RARBG_DO_NOT_MIRROR.exe in virtually any of the available downloads. What users have not realized is that, if you change the file extension from .exe to .txt, then we can easily see what it is about.
Do not worry about the .exe file that has started to appear on all RARBG torrent; it does not treat malware
Although the .exe looks like malware, in reality, it is a security measure that you have begun to take. And precisely, taking advantage of this typical association between executable files and malware. The explanation is that when a new upload occurs in RARBG, other platforms automatically track them and distribute them as their own. However, most of them, if they find a .exe file, cancel the ‘copy’ for security reasons. That is to say, the .exe that has included RARBG torrents is only to avoid the ‘theft’ of uploads by other platforms.
So this .exe is not focused on the users of the platform, nor does it affect them at all. We can do something as simple as avoiding downloading from the torrent client that we use moviezwap, thekhatrimaza, Mp4moviez, and 300mbmovies4u. You have to uncheck it from the downloads, and then we can continue to receive our torrents in the usual way, without having to store these files in the memory of our computer. Now we will have to see if those platforms that replicate the increases adapt, or if this is enough to stop their activity.
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