Health & Wellness

What You Need to Know About Assisted Living

Assisted living communities are usually sought out when a person is no longer capable of providing care for oneself because of failing health or old age. If one’s family members couldn’t provide the day-to-day care they need, or if no one is qualified to handle the patient’s medical, physical, and psychological needs, they’re better placed in assisted living facilities.

In an assisted living community, the patient’s custodial, medical, and non-medical needs are cared for. The carers providing custodial and non-medical care are not doctors, nurses, or licensed medical personnel. Medical care, on the other hand, is the type of care provided by medical staff. Both of these services can provide the following:

  • Alzheimer’s care
  • Diabetic care
  • Emergency management
  • In-home assessment
  • Orthopedic care
  • Ostomy care
  • Personal care service
  • Rehabilitative care

When it comes to the patient’s personal needs, assisted living communities can offer incontinence and toileting care, positioning, transferring, mobility, feeding, dressing, and bathing. With all these services offered, you are assured that your loved one will get the care he truly needs. The center can also provide companionship to your sick or aging loved one — something that a busy and working household cannot offer.

How can you convince your sick or aging family member to live in assisted living communities?

Before you proceed further in your mission to enroll your sick or aging family member in an assisted living community, you need to sit down and talk to them about your plan. You have to prepare for the talk by doing research ahead of time.

You need to make them feel that you are bringing them to this facility for their sake and not because you are tired of taking care of them. Know all the other possible issues or resistance about making the change. You also have to frame the talk around the personal advantages of having a professional assisting them. You can highlight that if they have a professional carer, they will have somebody to assist them regularly and have a constant companion wherever they go.

Some elderly or sick family members will be more specific about the issue and ask who will be with them, how frequently you would come to visit, what will be the caregiver’s tasks, and how you can pay for their services. Even if your loved one is unhappy about the news, providing them with specific details can turn the conversation around. Make sure to answer all their questions truthfully, positively, and sensitively.

Convincing your aging and sick loved ones to move into an assisted living facility may require you to go the extra mile to ensure they are not neglected. With the correct information and a clear plan, you can work with professional in-center caregivers beneficial for everyone.

How can you pay for a home care service?

Though the payment methods vary depending on the assisted living facility and state, most of the time, these can be paid thru these methods:

  • Out of the patient or family’s pocket – The family can pay for the expenses incurred in caring for their elderly and sick patients in an assisted living facility. This applies if any insurance policy does not cover the patient.
  • Third-party public payers – These include the Veterans Administration, Medicaid, and Medicare.
  • Third-party private payers: These include managed care plans and health insurance firms.

Most of the time, assisted living facilities are paid for by a third-party payer. It is important to note, however, that these third-party payors have specific coverage and eligibility requirements. You need to be aware of these requirements to efficiently make payments to your or your elderly loved one’s care provider without any service interruptions.

The takeaway

If you or a loved one can no longer be cared for by your family, it is best to bring them to a trusted assisted living facility. Enrolling them in this facility doesn’t mean that you’re tired of taking care of them. Instead, it means that you accept that they have medical and non-medical needs that you can’t address. Show them that you genuinely care. In that case, no matter how hard the convincing phase would be, in the end, they will understand where you’re coming from.

You have to be keen on looking for these facilities since you can no longer be with your sick or aging loved one every day, every minute. If you entrust them to a suitable carer, you will have peace of mind, and they will have a safer and better home care life.


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