Zantac is a heartburn medicine that has been found to contain a cancer-causing substance. Zantac injury and the ensuing lawsuits have shone a light on the fact that big pharma companies must identify and inform consumers regarding any harmful substances in their medicines. The cancer-causing substance in Zantac is called N-Nitroso dimethylamine (NDMA), while another name for Zantac is Ranitidine. The article will guide you regarding what you can do if you develop cancer after consuming Zantac.
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Avoid Using Zantac
Cancer from Zantac is a reality and has been confirmed by the FDA. If you’ve developed cancer from Zantac use, your first course of action must include discontinuing the intake of this particular medicine. To cure gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn, you can use other drugs or explore other modes of treatment. You can eat in smaller quantities and give your digestive system some rest. This natural course of action can cure your heartburn naturally.
Report Your Case
Report your case to the Food and Drug Administration Authority (FDA) and local authorities. This will help the FDA to stop the sale of Zantac. You will also be saving other people’s lives by lodging a report. Cancer from Zantac has been in the news for quite some time, and documenting your case will further strengthen the campaign to block it from pharmacy shelves. Due to earlier reports by people who got cancer from the NDMA present in Zantac, the FDA pulled Zantac from the market.
File A Zantac Lawsuit
In the case of any sort of injury or harm caused by any medicine you have consumed, you must be aware of Drug Injury & Medical Device Injury Information. This information is crucial in determining what you can do in such circumstances. Drug and medical device injury law helps consumers in the instance when they have used a drug or a medical device that was unreasonably dangerous or defective. Even though the Food and Drug Administration Authority (FDA) thoroughly checks medicines about to go on sale, the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them can still be held liable for damages caused by their drugs.
Make sure that you file for a Zantac lawsuit as soon as possible. You just might get diagnosed with cancer afterward and find out that the cause was NDMA from Zantac.
Know Your Rights
If you’ve developed cancer from consuming Zantac, it is imperative that you know your rights. You can receive monetary damages from the drug manufacturer for inflicting cancer due to the harmful components of Zantac. Damages from the Zantac lawsuit can include compensations and reimbursements for lost economic opportunity, current medical costs, future medical costs, and wages lost during cancer treatment. The pain, inconvenience, and suffering caused by the consumption of Zantac can also be used as grounds for demanding damages from the manufacturer of Zantac.
As soon as you get the news that you have developed cancer after consuming Zantac, contact a law firm that can represent your interests in the best way. A law firm can help you recover damages due to the negligence of the drug manufacturer, get the best possible settlement through effective representation of your interests, and collect required and essential information that must be presented in a court of law for getting the best financial compensation for you. Proper legal counsel will save you from a lot of trouble and stress in fighting for your rights. Zantac lawyers can be found easily now since the problem is quite widespread.
Get Damages
The Zantac lawsuit will probably help you get damages for your injuries. Make sure you hire Zantac lawyers that are well-acquainted with the current situation of the lawsuits against the drug manufacturer. Getting appropriate damages is your right, and you must present all the evidence against any manufacturer that has sold you Zantac. Zantac lawsuits are still going on, and people who have contracted cancer are coming forth to receive damages.
Check Liable Parties
It has been established that the drug manufacturer is at fault for causing cancer from Zantac. There might also be other parties that you can sue for damages. These parties might have had sufficient knowledge that Zantac contained cancer-causing NDMA but failed to inform consumers. Such parties may include sales representatives, laboratories testing these medicines, clinics, physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies. You must study the entire supply chain with your legal help or hire a good law firm that does this for you.
Get Proper Treatment
With Zantac use, you can contract liver, lung, pancreatic, kidney, bladder, and stomach cancers.
So, you must use the money that you will receive in damages to get the best treatment for yourself. Get in touch with the best healthcare services that are offering cancer treatment. It is entirely possible to cure your cancer if you are in the early stages.