Health & Wellness

What are Varicose Veins

Physical beauty makes a person attractive. But physical health sustains a person’s life to live. 

Be awareThe present generation offers empowering thoughts yet filled with toxic positivities. Your social media platforms are allowing you to embrace the idea of beauty that only concentrates on upper beauty – your hair, lips, cheeks, jawline – everything that people can notice. 

But that’s how beauty looks. It begins in holistic management of your entire physical body, covering your head down to your legs. 

Yes, you heard it right. There is beauty in the legs that everyone has overlooked. The health of your legs is not table talk. Hence, varicose veins remain hidden until the pain lingers. 

Thus, this article is your open and safe space; We will help you understand the nature of varicose, its treatment, and how to overcome it. 

Varicose Veins and its early signs

As an overview, varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that lie close to the surface of the skin and usually occur in the legs. 

As an overview, the swollen, twisted veins in the legs that lie into the surface of the skin are called varicose veins. 

Elite Vein Clinic explains that varicose vein is a type of venous insufficiency, where blood pools in the legs, increasing the blood pressure inside the valve of the veins and causing the formation of varicose. 

According to the U.S. Department of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, varicose veins stemmed primarily from your lifestyle and your diet, including the risk of being overweight or obesity, prolonged sitting and standing, smoking, and no regular exercise. 

Also, natural tendencies may induce the formation of varicose veins treatment, such as hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and inheritance.

That may sound alarming, but it’s early signs of varicose veins are aching pain, swelling, bluish veins, skin bulging, gradual changes in skin color, and a feeling of heaviness in both legs and feet. 

If you have felt its early signs, better treat your varicose veins in your nearest skincare clinic. Or otherwise, you may experience one of these aggravating complications when your varicose veins are left untreated. 

Major Complications of Varicose Veins

Venous Skin Ulcer

Venous skin ulcers manifest when varicose veins have damaged vein valves, blocked the blood flow, and caused a blood pool in the legs. As a result, fluids would leak out and break down in the skin tissues, inciting bacterial infections, and other complications, such as cellulitis, venous eczema, and malignancy.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke suggests Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) induces uncomfortable sensation in the legs, during sitting or lying down, with an irresistible urge to move the affected limb.

People who have experienced RLS revealed that such an irresistible urge causes an aching, crawling, creeping, itching, tugging, burning feeling – similar to electric shocks. 

Here, varicose veins aggravate its pain in the legs and feet, especially at the end of the day or hours during your bedtime. 

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep Vein Thrombosis is the deadliest, most fatal complication of untreated varicose veins. It is when the blood clot formation ruins the flow of blood in the deep veins of your body, specifically in your legs. DVT causes pain or swelling of varicose veins. In rare cases, DVT may occur with no symptoms. 

Mayo Clinic suggested that during DVT, pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs. What does that mean?

As varicose veins complicate your leg veins, the blood clots can break loose and join in the bloodstream. When it lodges into your lungs, such a blood clot blocks the normal blood flow. In some instances, PE doesn’t show symptoms. But in an impending yet fatal manner, signs of PE include the shortness of breath, higher heart rate, chest pain, and coughing up blood. 

How to treat Varicose Veins?

Say goodbye to the days that varicose veins treatment requires painful surgical operations! 

Today, numerous medical research suggests that there are different ways to treat varicose veins: 


Sclerotherapy involves the injection of “sclerosant” — a chemical solution which directly destroys the varicose veins. Here, the sclerosant minimally scars the affected vein. When the veins collapse, it naturally forces blood to reroute the flow and makes healthier veins. 

Radiofrequency Ablation

If sclerotherapy involves the injection of a chemical, Radiofrequency Ablation employs radiofrequency energy – in which heats up, thickens, and contacts the affected vein walls. In a clinical setup, your doctor uses an ultrasound to check the pathways of your legs. Then, he gradually inserts a wire catheter that produces radiofrequency energy. 

Laser Ablation

Similar to Radiofrequency Ablation, this type of minimally-invasive treatment only requires laser fibers to destroy the affected blood vessels using laser energy. Doctors usually use wire catheters to locate the laser fibers into the affected area. As a result, varicose veins eventually shrink and are reabsorbed by the body. 

Healthy Diet and Exercise

If you have been inactive lately or been eating unhealthy foods, the time is not yet late to change your old habits and live for the better!

Regular exercise and diet increases the blood flow in your body. As a general rule, healthy blood flow comes with healthy blood vessels. By adding avocados, beets, blackberries, ginger, and asparagus in your diet, you will avoid the complications of venous insufficiency.

Of course, remember to drink water and hydrate yourself always. 

Key Takeaways

Beauty begins inside out. You don’t need to have the perfect hair, lips, cheeks, and jawline to become beautiful. Remember that taking care of your health makes a person beautiful. 

Varicose veins are a serious clinical issue. You need to know how that swollen, twisted bulging veins are primarily caused by your nature, lifestyle, and diet: overweight or obesity, prolonged sitting and standing, hormonal imbalance, and inheritance. 

The aching pain it gives may affect your sanity and lowers your self-esteem. 

If the varicose veins are left untreated, it may complicate to more serious health issues, which requires another expensive treatment, including: 

  1. Venous Skin Ulcers;
  2. Restless Legs Syndrome; and
  3. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

But you have nothing to worry about. With an advanced medical technology, you can now avail varicose vein treatments without painful surgeries through minimally-invasive ways, such as:

  1. Sclerotherapy;
  2. Radiofrequency Ablation;
  3. Laser Ablation; and
  4. Healthy Diet and Exercise

Indeed, physical beauty makes a person attractive. But physical health sustains a person’s life to live.


We are nutritionist, health writer's, and food bloggers. Check it out our latest health & wellness articles on fitness, diet, and healthy living.

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