While you can’t possibly stop the clock and avoid growing older, there is so much you can do so as to lead a healthier and longer life. The good news is that the lifestyle decisions you make, even in your 70s, remain vital for healthy aging and to the way your mind and body hold up in life.
There are many lifestyle choices you can make in your 70s. But some of the most common and effective ones may include the following:
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1. Consider In-Home Care Service
Taking good care of seniors with health problems may pose a great challenge, even to very dedicated people. This is why looking for reliable private duty home care Frederick MD, is the best decision you can ever make.
Such care services for seniors don’t guarantee comfort and faster recovery. They also ensure seniors get personalized care, enjoy freedom, and have peace of mind, to name a few.
2. Live Your Life with a Purpose
The world’s longest-lived folks have one thing in common – they all have a purpose as they become older. A lot of this is often reflected in the role many seniors play, especially in traditional cultures. Unlike in the US, seniors in most cultures are turned to and revered for counsel and advice.
This doesn’t mean that seniors who are not asked for advice should give up looking for a purpose in life. In order to find a purpose, you must do the following:
- Join clubs
- Volunteers
- Engage in everyday practices
- Be creative
3. Eat a Balanced and Healthy Diet
A diet rich in lean meats, vegetables, and fruits will give you a strong immunity to protect yourself against harmful bacteria and viruses causing illnesses.
Vegetables and fruits are often reliable sources of antioxidants. These oxidants help to keep your body healthy and protect your cells against damage.
Subsequently, you need to limit your intake of fatty and sugary foods. These kinds of foods only trigger inflammation and result in a low immune system.
Limiting your alcohol intake will also go a long way toward keeping you healthy and living longer. Ask your primary care doctor to recommend the safe alcohol amount to drink per week or day.
4. Be Active Regularly
Exercising helps lower the risks of getting cancers, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Plus, that powerful impact can result in what is called ‘compression of morbidity.’ This basically means staying longer in the later years compared to people who spend their final years battling chronic diseases.
In addition, exercise is the best thing you may do to avoid dementia as well as other cognitive changes. Immediately after your primary care doctor has cleared you, aim for 30 minutes to do physical exercise three or four days a week.
Final Say!
It is very easy to blame your fatigue or low mood on aging. However, sometimes, aging may not be the primary cause of your woes. Feeling depressed or tired is not normal as you age. See a primary care doctor for an extensive checkup if you notice either of these.