Health & Wellness

Should I See a Chiropractor For Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain largely hampers your ability to perform many day-to-day activities. Whether it’s a sharp pain or minor ache, visiting a professional chiropractor is necessary. The progression of such a problem can cause anxiety and sleep difficulties.

shoulder painshoulder pain

Several things make many people suffer from shoulder pain. Among them include dislocations, impingements, bursitis, and neck pain.

How a Chiropractor Relieves Shoulder Pain

Seeing a chiropractor will help you find quick relief from shoulder pain. The specialists use a range of treatments and adjustments to address such problems.

Below is an overview of various chiropractic care methods used to help people who are experiencing shoulder pain.

Shoulder Alignment/Adjustments

Alignments involve shifting the shoulders in the needed direction. The techniques aim to improve the posture of the shoulders. Such chiropractic techniques are best for people with dislocations or bone fractures.

There are several reasons why shoulder alignments are necessary for shoulder pain. Such techniques alleviate the extreme pain you may experience. Adjustments minimize the pressure in the rotator cuff, resulting in increased comfort.

Alignment of the clavicle and scapula also improves the shoulder’s range of motion. As a result, you can quickly get back to your usual daily quality of life. The adjustments also reduce inflammations and muscle spasms that cause extreme shoulder and neck parapy.

Shoulder manipulation is the other chiropractic technique for treating shoulder pain. The adjustment involves forceful stretches to reduce the pain.

Manipulation therapy is the best for people with frozen shoulders. The condition makes the shoulders painful and stiff, hampering their movement. Such a problem results when the tissues in the shoulder joints get inflamed.

Manipulation therapy aims to minimize inflammations and stiffness on the shoulder joints. As a result, the pain reduces, allowing you to get back to perform your daily activities.

Shoulder Mobilization

Shoulder mobilization is almost similar to shoulder manipulations. The difference is that mobilization uses gentle stretches/thrusts to treat the patients. Shoulder mobilization techniques also help patients suffering from adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulders).

Chiropractors perform shoulder mobilization alongside physical therapies and massages. Shoulder mobilization addresses other issues like sub acromial pain syndrome, clavicle fractures, and rotator cuff tendinopathy.

The adjustments also reduce inflammations on the shoulder joints. A common type of shoulder mobilization is glenohumeral mobilization, which improves shoulder rotation.

Massage Therapy

Some people mistake massage therapy with shoulder mobilizations. Massage therapy does not include any form of excessive stretch.

Massage therapy only focuses on improving shoulder muscles. The technique is necessary for people with stiff and tight shoulder muscles. Improper alignment, tension, and poor posture can cause this problem.

The main purpose of massage therapy is to loosen the shoulder muscles. Loose and soothed shoulder muscles allow proper blood flow and faster pain alleviation. Reduction of the shoulder muscle tension also reduces stress and boosts one’s comfort.

Shoulder Compression

Compression is the best chiropractic care for people with shoulder impingements. The problem happens when the acromion and the rotator cuff rub against each other. Shoulder impingements cause irritation, which results in a tingling sensation.

Chiropractors adjust the rotator cuff and acromion during shoulder compression. The adjustment reduces shoulder pain and improves its rotation. Your chiropractic experts will also advise you on the best shoulder braces to address the problem.

Make an Appointment With a Chiropractor

Visiting a chiropractor is always an option for people experiencing shoulder pain. These experts relieve their patients from extreme pain, boosting personal comfort. Shoulder pain alleviation can also improve your quality of sleep.

There are a few factors shoulder pain patients should consider before choosing chiropractic experts. One of them is specialization in chiropractic care and treatment.

Experience is also an important factor of consideration. Experienced chiropractors are competent and the safest options for people with shoulder, neck, spine, and lower back pain.


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