Preventing yeast infections starts with taking good care of yourself which includes avoiding stress, getting enough rest, and consuming a healthy diet. If someone has diabetes, keeping the sugar level under control is important. Uncontrolled levels of blood sugar can elevate the risk of yeast infections and may make it difficult to get rid of them. If someone is taking antibiotics or consuming birth control pills, it is important to ask a doctor if probiotics should be taken along with them so that the “good” bacteria can be protected from destruction so that yeast won’t overwhelm the different parts of the body. In addition, good hygiene is helpful for the prevention of the environment that is suitable for the growth of yeast.
Following are certain steps which can be taken to prevent yeast infections:
These preventive measures are more essential for those if you experience three or more yeast infections every year, a condition which is called chronic or recurrent yeast infections. Following are the detailed daily habits that can help in the to prevent yeast infections:
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Wear loose-fitting underwear and pants. Leave some room for airflow.
Wear absorbent cotton or silk underwear instead of nylon or other synthetic fabrics.
Cotton and silk underwear are good at absorbing moisture, keeping the skin dry.
On the other hand, nylon and other synthetic fabrics hold moisture close to our skin, encouraging the growth of yeast. Underwear made of synthetic material may also result in allergic reactions or hypersensitivity that may lead to alteration in the vagina environment and contribute to the development of yeast infection.
Pantyhose, tights, and leggings can cause heat and moisture to build up in the crotch area.
Avoiding snug-fitting pyjamas is a good option. A loose, flowing nightgown is even better and preferable. Going without underwear while sleeping will help keep the genital area dry and discourage yeast growth.
If wearing pantyhose is essential, be sure to wear cotton panties underneath, and choose a pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
Changing out of workout clothes and taking a shower immediately after exercising is important. Sitting around in sweaty gym clothes provides an environment in which yeast can thrive. So it is important to change into dry clothes as soon as possible.
Change out of a wet bathing suit right after swimming.
Always wipe front to back
Prevention of yeast infections requires keeping the body parts clean. For preventing yeast infection in the vagina it is important to keep it clean; which will not only keep the individual smelling fresh but it will also help prevent yeast infections.
Avoid cleaning your genital area with soap. Instead, rinse thoroughly with water only and dry completely with a soft towel. If wanted, you may use a mild soap.
Cleaning the inside folds of the vagina when bathing reduces the chances of yeast growth as the folds are more prone to get these kinds of infections. As yeast has the capability to thrive in a moist environment, it is vital to dry the entire area of vagina after taking a bath or shower.
Sanitary pads and tampons which are scented should also be avoided. Avoiding the use of printed or colored toilet paper is also a preventive measure as dyes can also cause irritation.
Douching should be done sparingly as it has a destructive effect not only on
harmful bacteria but also on those which are helpful to keep the growth of yeast in check. Products used for douching also wash away the natural protective lining of vagina which leaves the skin of the vagina more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections. This may also result in the introduction of harmful substances that may cause allergic or hypersensitivity reactions and alter the normal pH balance (acidic) of the vagina.
Take extra care during menstruation. Keep your genital area clean. Use pads instead of tampons if you are prone to yeast infections. If you use tampons, change them frequently.
Bathe smartly. Stay out of hot tubs. Limit your time soaking in a hot bath. Thoroughly rinse after using products like bath salts.
In general, practicing healthy habits like getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and taking care of your feminine hygiene helps reduce your risk of a yeast infection. If you experience frequent vaginal infections, talk to your doctor about other possible causes.
Always use condoms if you aren’t in a committed relationship.
If you have a yeast infection, you should avoid intercourse until your symptoms clear. Vaginal sex can make symptoms of itching, soreness, and dryness worse.
Although a yeast infection isn’t technically a sexually-transmitted disease, it may be possible to get it from your partner during sex. Generally, it doesn’t get passed that way, but when women keep coming back with recurrent infections sometimes doctors do ask the partner to get treated to see if that helps.
Uncircumcised men have a slightly higher chance of passing on yeast since their foreskin creates a dark, damp area where it can hang out. Your risk also goes up every time you have a brand-new partner because everyone has different flora.
The use of antibiotics and birth control pills have been associated with the onset of yeast infections as these drugs have the ability to kill the beneficial microorganisms of our body which makes the proliferation of Candida Albicans easier. Antibiotics and birth control pills should only be taken as directed and unnecessary use should be avoided.
There are certain products, antibiotics, and conditions which are linked to infections with yeast. For example, the vaginal area is a sensitive part of our body, and using perfumes can lead to irritation which in turn can elevate the risk of catching infections with yeast.
Finally, a healthy immune system keeps the growth of yeast in check. Keeping the sleep schedule regular and avoiding heavy meals, caffeine, and exercise within three hours of bedtime are healthy daily habits for preventing yeast infection. Stress reduction techniques such as regular exercise, meditation, and yoga should be practiced to reduce high levels of stress which leads to a compromised immune system.
Diseases that suppress the immune system such as HIV and diabetes also enhance the risk of yeast infections. As sugar is a prime food source for yeast proliferation, persons having diabetes should keep their blood sugar levels under control.
According to some evidence, it has been proven that sugar helps in the promotion of yeast growth. Yeast’s affinity for sweets has prompted some experts to suggest that diet may be a risk factor for some women when it comes to developing yeast infections.
There is a yeast infection diet or anti-candida diet which is being followed by certain people. This diet is based on the theory that excluding some foods may help in the elimination or at least immensely reduce the risk of overgrowth of yeast.
Supporters of such regimens have claimed that the yeast infection diet assists in curing or prevent yeast infections by excluding:
It is recommended that sticking to foods like protein (from chicken, beans, grass-fed beef, eggs, and wild caught fish), green vegetables, herbal tea, and nuts is beneficial to prevent yeast infections. However, the candida diet has not been yet supported by a rigorous number of scientific researches.
Probiotics are also considered as a popular choice for preventing or curing yeast infections. They include both home remedies as well as natural products which are available in any health food store.
The concept behind taking probiotics is that normally some bacteria live on the skin, in the digestive tract, and elsewhere on the body, where they lend a hand to digestion and other bodily functions. Therefore, probiotics can assist in restoring the body’s normal bacterial balance; which in turn prevents Candida yeast from growing in a manner that is out of control and hence prevents an infection.
Good sources for probiotics are:
Some women also have success in preventing and treating yeast infections when they consume yogurt (or a probiotic supplement) regularly. When it comes down to it, these routine changes, while seemingly small, can make a huge impact on your personal health, by helping you avoid yeast infections.
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