Our society, despite all the advancements, is prone to various challenges. The ones related to the youth remain the most daunting. While considering the future, the young generation needs protection from all the deadly habits and activities that can deprive them of a successful life.
For instance, many teenagers start taking drugs for experimentation. They get tempted to give it a try for several reasons, and peer pressure is one of them. It slows down the cognitive and behavioral growth in teenagers as the brain finds it hard to handle such a heavy dose of psychoactive substances. Teenagers in many countries are at risk of this.
The problem starts when teenagers have trouble at school or work and constantly battle with their family and friends. Substance use changes into substance abuse when the individual has stress, emotional struggles, a desire to escape, and no hope from life. Parents who have a communication gap with their children cannot see the changing behavior of their children. Bloodshot eyes, avoiding eye contact, acting secretive and unusual tiredness are some of the main physical signs of substance abuse. Luckily many cities in the USA contain organizations and platforms that allow people to get another life and quit any addiction by various techniques. The WHO is also playing its role in fighting substance abuse; they’re collaborating with the local government to end this abuse.
Here are some of the main reasons for teenage substance abuse:
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Genetic Predisposition To Abuse
Scientists suggest that the blueprint of health and disease has a substantial impact on substance abuse. Just like the DNA sequences can contribute to diseases like heart attack and diabetes. Similarly, it can be the main reason behind addiction. The dynamic interactions of genes and the environment shapes the life of a person. Refer your loved ones or any person suffering from such misery to reliable organizations as early as possible. For instance, people prefer drug rehab Beaumont, TX, in such situations as they provide various detox methods for substance abuse patients depending upon addiction intensity. Rehabilitation centers offer their patients the best care and support; inpatient and walk-in patients get welcomed to avail of their services.
Childhood Trauma
Some trauma always backs up addiction development and susceptibility. During childhood, all the harsh social, experiential, or biological circumstances leave a mark in the subconscious of the person, and with time it is renewed. Although the human brain can quickly adapt to the new environment, some events are hard to forget, leading the teenagers towards substance abuse. The trauma can be emotional or physical. These occurrences trap the teenager’s mind into thinking that the only way out is substance abuse.
Regardless of gender, depression can affect anyone. Teenagers think it is a good idea to feel better by using all the harmful substances. It gives them peace of mind for a few hours, and slowly they are addicted to this feeling of numbness. What teenagers miss is the fact that it is normal to feel sad and irritable. When these rough feelings become consistent, it means they are depressed, and it is treatable. Some kinds of depression need clinical help, but others get treated with just a few medicines. When teenagers are shy to admit that they are depressed, they take to start a secretive behavior and develop zero tolerance for criticism. When they are unable to think straight, the use of alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs can push them towards substance abuse.
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is a social learning theory where youngsters are attracted to their friends’ behavior and habits and want to adopt it to fit in the group. Teenagers with weak self-esteem are quick at making such decisions as they fear judgment. The brain’s learning mechanism is a positive aspect of the holistic development of the mind; it also means there is plenty of room for accepting negative habits. The level of connection you have with your friends can empower this pressure. The use of illicit drugs can later push these teenagers into an extreme illegal activity. Peer pressure is manageable; changing the environment for your children can get them out of the bubble in which they are prevailing. Peer pressure is so dangerous that it can plant the seeds for detrimental habits.
Poor Social Support Structure
Children need constant love and support from their families; they want to be valued and loved. But when the caregivers themselves are absent and are open to drugs and alcohol, then the children also start it as a means of self-medication. They start living in a made-up world where they are happy. Children from broken families are at a much higher risk of substance abuse; they also find it hard to fit in a social circle. Social integration and well-being are welcomed by your brain when you live in a familiar environment, surrounded by expressions of empathy, love, trust, and care. The teenagers with substance abuse history often lack instrumental support: they do not get tangible aid and service, and there is no one to give them advice or suggestions. Emotional, instrumental, and informational social support is a cluster that keeps you ready for life’s challenges. When this support crashes or is missing, teenagers start taking drugs and alcohol and becoming victims of substance abuse.
Weight Goals
The so-called social label of the hour-glass figure and perfection as a unit to measure beauty is messing up the teenagers, who fall for these artificial tricks in no time. They think the usage of these drugs can get them in shape when they lose weight. Eventually, they are so addicted to taking these illicit substances that substance usage changes into substance abuse.
Teenagers are active, energetic, and their brains are still in the developing mode. There are a few reasons why they plunge into the substance abuse circle. Researchers suggest that teenagers who have a family history of substance abuse are more prone to this as DNA plays its role in determining their habits. A broken family, a low social structure with absolutely no one to take care of their needs also pushes them towards substance abuse.