The human body is very complex, and this complexity increases manifold when it comes to women. Pregnant women find coping with pregnancy tough, thanks to the continually changing babies inside their wombs! During this stage, many different biochemical reactions are happening inside a soon-to-be mother’s body. There is an upsurge of a specific type of hormones inside her. At times, she gets irritable and despondent, and this pessimism might cause psychological trauma to her unborn.
So, any stress that comes as part and parcel of the journey needs to be tackled well! To help our readers do that, we have decided to make the transition easier. Following is a helpful guide on the 9-month long journey towards mommy hood. Usually, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. In some cases, an expectant woman delivers her baby in the 37th week while, in others, it may be 42 weeks.
Each pregnancy has three stages, called trimesters. Each trimester has a period of 12-14 weeks. Let’s examine what happens to the body of a pregnant woman during her pregnancy cycle. Also, what steps should she take for healthy living?
The first trimester starts from the first day of your last normal menstruation. This period is 13 weeks long, and conception happens in week number 2. During this period, your body starts changing internally. Your uterus starts changing to support the placenta and the fetus. Since there is going to be a baby inside your womb, your blood supply vessels start getting more oxygen and nutrients.
In the first semester, an expectant mother shows the following symptoms:
1. Tiredness
2. Morning sickness
3. Headaches
4. Constipation
Since the first semester is essential for your child, you need to look after your diet. By the end of the period, your baby will develop all its organs. Include folic acid in your diet so that there are no neural tube defects in your baby.
Apart from this, avoid smoking and consumption of liquor. Since pregnancy is not a daily affair, you should consider visiting a gynecologist or an obstetrician. Click here to know more about the doctors available in your area. Ideally, your first appointment with your doctor will happen in the 6th week of your first trimester. A urine test will confirm your pregnancy.
This trimester runs from the 13th week through to the 27th. During this period, pregnant women are more comfortable and have high energy levels. You will get restful sleep, and most of your physical problems would disappear. However, new symptoms would appear in the second trimester. These are:
1. Leg cramps
2. Heartburn
Your varicose veins would look more prominent, and your appetite would go up dramatically. Your stomach would bulge out, and your pregnancy would be more pronounced. Since your weight would increase, it is time for new clothing. Avoid tight and restrictive clothing.
To cope with this trimester, please consider taking the following steps:
1. If you have some sort of eating disorders, please create a diet plan with your doctor
2. Discuss your medical and family history with your doctor. In short, share everything with your doctor so that there is no complication to your child.
Between the 18th and the 22nd week, an anatomical test could be conducted to check whether the following parts of your baby are working:
1. Kidney
2. Lung
3. Heart
4. Brain
This is the last semester, and during this period, you will see your doctor more frequently. In this semester which lasts until the delivery of your baby, your doctor would examine:
1. Fundal height or the length of your baby ( fetus)
2. Blood pressure
3. The heart rate of the fetus
4. Your urine would also be tested for protein
Besides, your doctor would also examine your cervix to check your readiness for delivery. Don’t travel in this period; stay home for any quick consultation with your doctor.
We hope this has been a helpful and comprehensive guide on pregnancy. Happy motherhood!
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