Muscle weakness is dreaded by most fitness enthusiasts and sportspeople across the globe. It is a result of poor contraction and movement of muscles caused by reasons that we are going to look at shortly. Although it can occur to anyone, sometimes it is a result of too much working out or an illness, and rest and recovery will bring things back to normal. But when it is extended for a long time, then it means that there is a problem.
To help you in understanding more about muscle weakness, we will look at the causes, diagnosis, and treatment, especially for cases that happen with no apparent reason.
Common Causes of Muscle Weakness
The major cause, as hinted, is an underlying health condition. They may include one or more of the following issues.
Water electrolyte imbalance – This occurs when the electrolytes in the body are not balanced. Hence, homeostasis in the body is not maintained. Further, many additional functions, such as heart rate and neurological functions, might be affected. As a result, the muscles become weak, and one is not in a position to perform physical activities well. Elevated calcium or magnesium and potassium deficiencies in the body are major causes.
Neuromuscular disorders – There are many specific conditions under this broad category of health conditions. Multiple sclerosis and myopathy are just a few examples. These conditions affect the nerves in the body and cause a disruption in the voluntary movement of muscles. Unless they are treated early, they can limit your physical capabilities.
Abuse of alcohol or drugs – Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to muscle weakness for anyone, including strong athletes. If you get into the habit of abusing drugs and steroids, including legal ones sold by Valkyrie Online or any other reliable seller, you might develop muscle weakness unless you seek recovery therapy or medical treatment.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Weakness
Before treating muscle weakness and its underlying causes, a diagnosis comes first. It is simply the process of identifying and understanding the cause. Typically, this is done by medical doctors through detailed blood tests, scans, and sometimes X-rays. They might also ask for your past history of activities to look for possible causes such as the use of drugs, exercising habits, and other factors.
After this, the treatment follows. Depending on the cause and the extent of muscle weakness, the doctors might recommend the following steps.
Change in diet – It is said that diet holds the cure to almost anything. If deficiency of nutrients is the cause of muscle weakness, eating a supportive diet for some time could help. At this point, the doctor might have you work with a diet expert.
Medication and supplements – This is a fast way of delivering a solution to your muscle weakness problems. It is all prescribed by a medical doctor.
Final Word
In rare cases, surgery to correct certain muscles or joints might be needed. If this is a solution, then it is a great direction to take. However, the above insights will be common. Be sure to follow them if muscle weakness has been a challenge for you.