Low in carbohydrates and with a menu focused on the consumption of natural fats and proteins that help reach the state Low in carbs and with a list focused on the consumption of natural fats and proteins that help to achieve the state of optimal ketosis, the Keto Diet for weight loss is presented as an alternative to other similar to the Atkins.
The amount of kilos that is possible to lose with the ketogenic diet depends on the overweight you have and make the plan to the letter so that the results are optimal.
But, contrary to what may seem to see the list of foods allowed that are appetizing, is a plan to lose weight very hard because it is forbidden to taste sugars and consume hydrated carbon, it is essential to drink plenty of water daily.
Table of Contents
The ketogenic diet is a plan to lose weight in which the proportion of hydrates is significantly reduced to promote the oxidation of fats that leads to the formation of ketone bodies. Thus, these compounds are used alternatively by the brain as a source of energy in the absence of glucose.
The proportion of carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet is usually well below the recommended total calories, and generally provides about 10% or less of the energy in the form of hydrates, there are different types of plans, including those that only allow fruits and vegetables in controlled quantities, while others eliminate carbohydrates.
There is also the ketogenic diet based on fasting as a vehicle to promote the formation of ketone bodies that must then be sustained to achieve weight loss at the expense of significant fat oxidation.
The proportion of carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet is usually well below the recommended total calories, and generally provides about 10% or less of the energy in the form of hydrates, there are different types of plans, including those that only allow fruits and vegetables in controlled quantities, while others eliminate carbohydrates.
There is also the ketogenic diet based on fasting as a vehicle to promote the formation of ketone bodies that must then be sustained to achieve weight loss at the expense of significant fat oxidation.
A word issued by Russell M. Wilder in 1921, the ketogenic diet has as main objective to produce the formation of ketone bodies, hence, a plan similar to that which is served in a fast. This goal can be achieved through a deficient supply of food or by a limitation in carbs.
The keto diet should only be done under medical guidance and for a limited period of time with lists that include an average percentage of proteins mixed with foods with natural fat (butter, coconut oil, olive oil, pork fat, cream) and a low level of carbohydrates.
Before talking about how to make the ketogenic diet, this is important to understand how the blend of foods that give up each menu works and above all to understand that glucose, the easiest particle to convert and use as energy, is always the one chosen by the body before the rest of existing options.
When glucose is used as the primary beginning of strength, the body stores fat as a preserve and the more carbohydrates are destroyed, the higher the blood glucose rises.
If more proteins and natural fats are destroyed, the body readjusts and improves its way of getting energy, rather of using glucose it uses the fat of the body as an strength origin.
To execute a ketogenic diet, it is important to plan the everyday menu taking into account that most of the dishes should be composed of natural fats, proteins and a low amount of foods that provide carbohydrates. Between the main meals and as a snack you can eat a bit of cheese or a handful of almonds.
It is necessary to memorize that not all fats are the same. Therefore, natural fats such as olive oil, coconut oil or avocado provide health benefits while the trans fats observed in hamburger meat, margarine and all fried food, should be avoided as they are harmful to health.
The body uses ingested carbohydrates to generate glucose as an energy source, and when not enough carbohydrates are consumed to meet the body’s daily glucose needs, the body will use the stored fat to generate more glucose and gain energy.
In this way, incomplete degradation of fatty acids will generate ketones in the body, and this will lead to the desired state of ketosis. In summary, to the lack of consumption of carbohydrates, the body will begin to consume glucose and stored fats, causing weight to be lost gradually but steadily.
The ketogenic diet for weight loss of 30 days, is based on the principle that certain foods should not be combined, to get the body into ketosis and burn fat more quickly includes a list of allowed and prohibited foods that must be respected.
With the ketogenic diet, it is not necessary to worry about counting calories since fats and proteins have a high power of satiety for long periods of time, but for those who practice some sport, it is necessary to be alert because the burning of calories is higher and it is essential to eat enough to have energy.
With this list of foods, it is possible to organize the weekly menu, taking into account that the 30-day ketogenic diet must be divided into stages.
On the 5th day of having started the diet one day, it is allowed to eat everything desired, this trick is crucial because it will enable a day without restrictions because it is considered that the body has already been used to combine hydrates and other foods, the Anxiety decreases and you begin to lose weight more quickly.
To the foods allowed in the first stage are added:
In this third and final stage are added:
They can eat nuts or almonds since they have a lower level of carbohydrates, but only a small handful per day since they contain a high level of Omega 6.
To flavor the meals you can use black pepper, cloves, dill, ginger, mint, oregano, rosemary, parsley, cumin, coriander seeds, thyme, and turmeric.
When the ketogenic diet is performed, the following foods are prohibited:
It’s important that after 30 days of a ketogenic diet is not repeated for another same period. It’ll be necessary to let a month pass if you want to lose more kilos and take care not to commit excesses in order not to recover the lost weight, adding some physical activity such as walking, thus avoiding sedentary life.
It’s very common that, as with any diet to lose weight, there is a period of “plateau” a period in which weight loss stops, there are numerous reasons for this to occur and in that case there are several methods that help to follow losing kilos, for example, vary the patterns of feeding and eliminate certain foods that form accustomed.
For example, some dairy products can be eliminated, fat intake can be increased a bit more, and carbohydrate intake can be reduced to a minimum until the weight is lost again.
A ketogenic diet needs time for the body to adjust and enter a state known as ketosis and depends on the physical condition of each person, their physical activity load and the current diet that the person carried until the beginning of the new food plan.
However, the most agile way to achieve the state of ketosis is to exercise before breakfast, restrict the consumption of carbohydrates to 20 g or less per day and control the amount of water consumed.
Menu first stage of the ketogenic diet:
Mid Morning
Mid Morning
Mid Morning
There are various variants of the keto diet, among them some famous ones like the Atkins or the Pronokal Method. In the case of the Atkins Diet, it is considered the most popular ketogenic diet. Therefore there is a lot of information about it, and there are also countless recipes with the foods allowed in your meal plan.
The Pronokal Diet is a more complicated method because it combines the ketogenic diet with the protein diet and is reinforced with the consumption of products of the brand itself.
There is also the Siken Diet, a method to lose weight similar to that of the Pronokal, with the same combinations but offers different customizable plans to lose weight, always combined with the ketogenic diet.
On the other hand, is the cyclic ketogenic diet, but it is not recommended for those who are looking for a plan to lose weight since it is more beneficial for those who practice bodybuilding and need a special siesta while they are working their muscles through intense routines of physical training.
With the method of the cyclic ketogenic diet, a regular ketogenic diet is followed for a period that is usually five days and then goes to a stage called “carb-up” for a period that will not exceed two days. With this plan, you mostly get to replace the storage of gluconene to do the training during the rest of the week.
Most diets for weight loss have some contraindications and in the case of ketogenic is not different, for that reason it is suggested to always do under medical control.
It is also necessary to emphasize that being an unbalanced diet in the supply of nutrients to the body should not be done for more than a month; otherwise it can affect health with complications such as kidney problems, liver problems, and high blood pressure.
Also, the ketogenic diet is not advisable in people suffering from liver or heart problems because there have been cases of development of arrhythmias, with some studies proving that there may also be a decrease in attention capacity and lack of speed to process visual information from the quick way.
Just as every diet to lose weight has its contraindications, there are also advantages and disadvantages that necessity is taken into account before starting to make the ketogenic diet.
Advantages of the ketogenic diet to lose weight:
Although the ketogenic diet to lose weight has benefits, it is also necessary to analyze its disadvantages, and among them the most important are:
To avoid suffering these unwanted effects of the ketogenic diet, it is possible to resort to nutritional supplements that help to cover the nutrient deficiencies and prevent the problem of constipation that can appear due to the low intake of fiber.
Having recipes specially created for the ketogenic diet makes it easier to take the food plan forward. It is even possible to convert recipes with high levels of carbohydrates in preparation that help reach the state of ketosis without sacrificing taste.
The recipe is very simple and quick to prepare and is extremely tasty, can be cooked and frozen in portions to use during the week.
In a bowl place the lemon juice and the lemon slices together with the rosemary, mix well place all inside the chicken, seasoning on the outside with salt and pepper.
In a large casserole place a little olive oil and brown the chicken on both sides, constantly agitating so that it does not stick.
Add the onions, garlic and chicken broth to the chicken.
Cook for almost One hour with the casserole capped.
The ketogenic diet allows fish to be eaten but it is advisable to prepare it healthily, so here we share a simple recipe to cook whole fish only seasoned with salt, pepper, mustard, and a little soy sauce.
Place the fish on aluminum foil with salt and pepper and spread with the mustard, a drizzle of olive oil and soy sauce, and distribute the sliced onion.
Wrap the fish with aluminum foil and place it on a dish, cooking in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Veal cubes with vegetable garnish
These veal cubes with vegetable garnish are super easy to prepare and delicious, combining beef, vegetables, and mozzarella cheese.
Cut the pepper and the beef into a cube and spread them with a little aioli sauce.
In a pan, place a little olive oil and saute the meat and pepper for about 5 minutes.
Remove and place in a bowl with the garnish, which is very simple to prepare as it is only necessary to mix the rest of the ingredients of the recipe except the mozzarella that is added above previously grated together with a splash of oil, salt, and pepper.
As the ketogenic diet is deficient in carbohydrates and high in protein, it is essential to prepare tasteful and straightforward preparations such as smoothies or shakes that provide the organism with the ketogenic benefits.
Because this diet is very restrictive, it is essential to start creating and prepare preparations such as shakes or smoothies that provide ketogenic benefits to the body.
Conquer all the ingredients in a blender and method until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Serve very cold.
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