A health screening procedure is crucial in preventing the early development of certain medical conditions and diseases. It is done to make sure a medical condition does not get worse as it can diagnose diseases and conditions at their early stages. Types of diseases like sexually transmitted infections and cancer, when detected early, will have a higher probability of getting treated and cured.
There are many hospitals and centers for you to have a health screening. Phoenix Hospital Chelmsford is one of the best places to get all the health screening tests done that you may require to keep yourself healthy.
For many, having health screening and tests done isn’t always a priority. But, truth be told, this kind of notion is wrong. A health screening will always be very important to have. That way, you’re aware of the health status and condition of your body, at any given time. Should there be anything about your health that needs to be addressed or corrected, this can be detected and taken care of before it’s too late.
Learn more about health screening and the benefits that it can bring your body, by reading through below.
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The Different Health Screening Tests
There are many types of health screening tests. Some of them are a cholesterol test, rectal cancer test, osteoporosis, prostate screening, diabetes screening, and blood pressure test. You’re not going to go through all these tests routinely. It’s your physician that will choose the proper health screening test for you to undergo, depending on what the results of your general health test are. Your doctor will generally ask for this, to be certain that you’re not at risk of any disease or health problem.
Usually, when you undergo a screening procedure, it involves blood tests, X-rays, MRIs, or urinalysis. Sometimes, this process requires a day to complete. So if you decide to get it done, keep yourself free for that specific day. You’ll also have to make an advanced request for this from your doctor, so you know if there’s any need for you to fast or not. Also, what other preparations you’ll need to do.
All screening tests that are not invasive are considered to be 100% safe. However, they might not be as accurate as they seem, although this may not be a deal-breaker for you as it plays an important role in keeping you healthy and safe. Adding to this also is the very fact that most health screening tests also come as a part of your life insurance policy. So, you don’t have to worry too much about the expense, especially that this is now covered. All you’ve got to do is make the most out of it, by giving yourself access to proper testing.
There are many benefits to getting a health screening done, and today we will share some of them with you.
Identify Health Risks At An Early Stage
Early diagnosis is crucial for acute and chronic diseases. The most common form of conditions is cancer, which can benefit the most from getting a health screening done. As you will find the malignant tissue and you will be able to get it treated before it spreads to other parts of your body. It will be treated more properly if the diagnosis is made at an early stage. Certain types of cancers can be treated at an early stage when diagnosed properly through timely screening. Bowel cancer can be diagnosed by performing an FOBT (fecal occult blood test) and calprotectin test. Ovarian cancer can be diagnosed by performing regular examinations and ultrasound. Lung cancer can be detected by performing sputum cytology and a simple chest X-ray. Breast cancer can also be diagnosed by regular examination of the breasts and a mammogram. Prostate cancer can be diagnosed by performing a rectal exam and a PSA (prostate-specific antigen test).
Heart complications and conditions usually are hard to diagnose until a patient develops symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or irregular heartbeats. Getting an ECG(electrocardiogram) done can be a great way to find blockages in blood vessels at an early stage.
Certain medication and changes to a person’s lifestyle, like regular exercise, is prescribed to avoid the heart condition from causing further damage. You can also learn more about possible risk factors that you may have for heart diseases, by reading through this pulmonary hypertension article.
Screening tests are also used to ensure the proper functionality of the thyroid glands, hormonal balance, proper nutritional values, and perfect blood sugar levels. Ensuring these functions remain healthy, is the way for a human being to live a long and prosperous life.
Changes In Lifestyle
Health screening can help you become a more positive and healthy human being by identifying what certain lifestyle changes you need to incorporate in your daily routine to stay healthy and have good wellbeing. Things like daily exercise, avoiding smoking, or changes to your diet can be a great way to stay fit and in top shape. People should also keep a check on their BMI (body mass index), cholesterol levels, BP(blood pressure), and other health-related checks you can do at home without the need for a visit to the doctor or a health facility. The smallest of positive changes in a person’s daily routine can have big long term health benefits. Being healthy, you can aim to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Having a great body is the dream of every person, and why not get yourself screened for any lingering diseases in your body and crop them out by making healthy changes in your lifestyle.
Risk and Genetics
Nowadays, people who have genetic diseases, like cancer or hypoglycemia, may have the risk of carrying it in themselves. It is a good idea to get regular check-ups and health screenings done to better gauge if such genetically inherited diseases may be present in you. By knowing the risks, you can make changes to your lifestyle, be it diet or exercise, reduce the symptoms from showing in you. Diabetes, heart diseases, and hypertension are conditions that run in the family, and people can inherit them when they get to a certain age. Thus, living a healthy life by eating nutritious foods, supplements, and exercise can help you counter such symptoms to be presented in yourself. You should also take extra care of yourself if you have diseases that are transferred genetically and getting a health screen done is a great way of catching these diseases and conditions in their early stages and get treated accordingly.
Specific Screening
To target the diagnostics accurately, certain factors are taken into consideration when deciding the type of screening that should be performed on a patient. This way, everything remains cost-effective and provides great convenience to the person as well. Endoscopy is a type of invasive procedure that is carried out by inserting a tube with a camera inside a person’s stomach or colon to gauge the damage. However, if a non-invasive screening test like FOBT is performed first, it may completely rule out the possibility of endoscopy in the first place. However, endoscopy is an important procedure, but it should be performed only if a person needs it. It also comprises tests like an X-ray as it can be harmful when performed several times on the same person. In the end, it is a good idea to consider the type of screening plan that a person needs and may vary from patient to patient.
Research And Empowerment
Medicine is evolving with every passing day, and every person must be screened and treated according to the latest research conclusions and the latest testing methods. What may have been accurate or true many years back could no longer be the case today in the medical industry. This is all the more reason that you have to be very precise and up-to-date with your medical and laboratory exams. In so doing, you know that you’ve kept up with recent times as to developments in the health and medical industry.
Keep in mind that research and information can empower you. When you have information about the overall state of your body, you don’t have to live fearful every day, wondering whether or not you’ve got an underlying disease.
The national health society recommends that every person aged between 40 and 75 should get a health screening done every 5 years. This is the age where people usually start to develop heart diseases, kidney problems, or even the tendency of having a stroke. When every screening procedure is done, the doctor should be very transparent with the patient. They should be informed properly about the procedure beforehand, so they can decide whether to get it done or not.
Final Word
The positives that a health screening can bring outweigh its negatives. Usually, it is a good practice to get a health check-up done at least every 6 months to make sure that your body is working at its optimal condition. Other check-ups may include blood sugar levels, Blood pressure, or even as simple as getting your eyesight tested. If you want to keep living life at its fullest, you should take care of yourself in the best way that is possible for you. Today we have made you aware of the importance of a health screening and why everyone around us should get it done. If you’re worried about the costs but have medical insurance, you can check with your provider, as this may be covered by your insurance policy.