How Sports Hernias Are Treated With Chinese Medicine
With a history that dates back over thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has continued to evolve through modern adaptation. It is an ancient system of healthcare practice that focuses on…
The New Nutrition Facts Label: what’s Changing [Infographic]
Content Provided By Westfalia Technologies
How to Get Rid of Creative Block and Stay Productive
I have experienced a creative block several times in the course of my writing career. Sometimes, I would find it hard to come up with topics or get stuck in the middle…
How to get some extra comfort for those “uncomfortable” days
Many women dread “that time of the month.” When it comes, it can inconvenience you—a little or quite a lot. For some women, it can put them on the sidelines for one…
Vaping is Becoming Popular Among Young People
The majority of tobacco smokers have started developing their habit in their young age. Some have already smoked in high school, others when they went to college, and a smaller number of…
Can Tinnitus Lead to Hearing Loss?
Tinnitus is a condition characterized by a ringing of the ears. A common assumption is that tinnitus can lead to hearing loss. However, this isn’t the case. In reality, they exist separately…
Advantages of Physiotherapy rehabilitation [Infographic]
Advantages and Surprising Facts about Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Techniques There are many advantages involved with physiotherapy that many people may not be aware of. There are also some fascinating facts about the emerging…
What is Hydro-NGB Oil? 10 Hydro-NGB CBD Oil Health Benefits
What is Hydro-NGB CBD Oil? You’re looking for a natural way to improve your health, and that’s exactly what CBD can do for you! CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, but…
6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Prevent Severe Allergies
Allergies are among the many chronic health conditions that plague a lot of people, and they are often passed down from generation to generation. You would think that these are health setbacks…
Constipation, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
A diet low in fiber, low fluid intake, pregnancy, stress, sedentary lifestyle. All these factors can cause constipation, a very annoying disorder. We teach you how to avoid it. What is constipation?…