Getting the Right Support with Compression Garments
When you think of compression garments, your mind likely goes right to knee-high compression socks. While socks are probably the most common when it comes to medical compression garments, there are actually many…
Parenting as a Cancer Patient: What to Do and How to Get Help
When you receive a cancer diagnosis, the entire world stops. But then it can lurch forward and grip you with anxiety as you worry about your family and how your medical condition…
Still Working Remote? Check Out These 8 Home Workout Routines
Among the many lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work is one that is likely here to stay. In fact, surveys show that the number of permanent remote workers is set to…
How Healthcare Is Following the World of Dating Apps (And Why This Needs to Happen)
Going out with a complete stranger hasn’t been the same since OkCupid, Tinder, Bumble and all the rest hit the scene. Before the era of dating apps, a blind date typically involved…
The Benefits Of Medical Market Research
Trust is an important aspect of the purchase process for consumers. A consumer needs to trust a brand or product before they purchase, but it’s not always easy for a brand or…
How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle amid Stressful College Life
College years are associated with much fun and thrill. You get to an entirely new environment where you explore adult life, acquire the essential knowledge for your future profession, and have fun…
3 Ways Meal Delivery Services Will Help You Reclaim Your Time
From a demanding job to an ever-important family requiring your attention, time can be hard to spare in modern-day life. Most people juggle multiple roles, whether you’re a career professional or a…
10 Forms of Magnesium and Their Uses
Magnesium is one of seven major minerals in the body. It helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function, keeps bones strong, helps maintain a steady heartbeat, and supports a strong immune system. It…
How Can LASIK Surgery in New York Help Improve Your Vision
Over 400,000 New York residents have vision impairment issues, and many people are under the impression that they have to live with their vision. The good news is that LASIK surgery has…
5 Effective Ways to Cure Constipation at Home
It’s no secret that most Americans don’t get enough fiber in their diets. One of the unfortunate results of this lack of fiber is everyone’s favorite digestive condition—constipation. Thinking about it worldwide,…