5 Big Reasons To Try Complementary Therapy Now
Complementary therapy and alternative medicine (CAM) fall under the bracket of holistic health. What is it? Complementary medicine or therapy are methods that are used with more traditional medical approaches (surgery, medications…
Red & Blue Light Therapy: A Quick Guide
You’ve no doubt heard of the skincare benefits that come from light therapy, but what exactly is light therapy, and how can it help your skin? What is Red Light Therapy? Red…
Top Women’s Health Issues You Should Know About
The unique biological makeups of men and women affect their susceptibility to certain health problems. Men and women have different sexual hormone concentrations, reproductive functions, immune system capabilities, and gene strengths. What…
3 Things Expat Health Insurance Should Cover
Moving to a new country might be based on a variety of factors, including retirement, new employment, or the desire to establish a family there. When planning to make a significant move,…
Experiencing Back or Neck Pain From Working From Home? Try This
In 2022, our workforce is shifting to an entirely new way of working. Whether it be a hybrid model or fully remote, an increasing amount of people are trading in their trips…
Social Media Depression In Teenagers: What You Should Know
The idea of “social media depression” gets funny looks from many adults. Anyone over the age of 40 will say it doesn’t exist and that the idea of it comes from young…
What Are 5 Signs Your Body Is In Need Of A Detox
The term “detox” is becoming more common in today’s English. But does detoxifying your body do anything? You have it just correct! Although alcoholic beverages and illicit substances are the most clearly…
Different Specializations For Nurses To Further Their Careers
Now that you are a registered nurse, what’s next? There are many different specializations for nurses to further their careers. Each specialization offers its own set of unique challenges and rewards. Here…
Customized Treatment Plans For Addiction Recovery: 10 Things You Should Know
Addicts expect a lot of themselves. Society doesn’t talk about that a lot. There is this perception that addicts are chronic lazy bums and that they are not putting any effort into…
Buy An Air Track Mat From Kameymall
If you’re new to gymnastics, you’re probably wondering, “What is an Air Track mat?” This is a portable inflatable floor cushion that provides extra support for athletes. It’s also ideal for cheer…