5 Reasons Why You Should Visit a Gynecologist
To ensure that your overall health is always going great, there are many different kinds of doctors that you should regularly see. For women, there’s that additional need to see a gynecologist….
Truvada Drug: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects
Truvada drug is a medication prescribed by doctors worldwide to encounter the infiltration of HIV in the body, also often suggested to those having a higher risk of getting HIV. This antiviral…
3 Ways Poor Posture Affects Your Health
According to research from the American Psychological Association(APA), between 25%-35% of American adults are living a sedentary lifestyle. These sedentary lifestyles have become common as a result of the modern work environment…
7 New Born Baby Care Tips To Remember
“A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.“ – Eda J. Le Shan When a woman enters motherhood, things change drastically. Not just…
6 Common Muscle Building Myths You Should Know
Even the unfit individuals who simply browse fitness blogs online talk about muscle building. You must have met someone like that for sure. Even the guy or girl in your gym who…
Best Strength Training Exercises From Personal Trainers
No matter what your motivation is for brushing up on weight-room and strength-training basics, this is a great decision. Whatever your experience is or how strong you might be, no workout regimen…
Ayurvedic diet – 7 Facts You Should Know About It
“Ojas keeps all living beings nourished and refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas” Charaka sutra sthana, Chapter 30, verse 9 When food is properly metabolized, and the digestion is good,…
11 Everyday Habits that Drain Your Energy
Have you noticed that sometimes you are exhausted and depressed for no reason? Probably, your bad everyday habits are the root of this serious problem. Some rituals, which you repeat every day,…
5 Ways to Boost your Energy Levels
Sometimes without realizing you start to distance yourself from things you love doing. Indeed, the hectic work routine drains down all your energy levels, not allowing you to do anything else. It…
4 Types of Adjustments You Can Make to Be Better Equipped to Sail the Waters of Disability
Most people who are living with a disability never expected it would happen to them. Some are diagnosed with health conditions that alter their realities. Other lives change in an instant when…