How Alcohol Abuse Affects Your Oral Health
Alcoholic beverages may be considered healthy, but it can turn into a complete downfall when one loses control over it. Just like any other addiction, excessive alcohol consumption will not only lead…
Ayurvedic diet – 7 Facts You Should Know About It
“Ojas keeps all living beings nourished and refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas” Charaka sutra sthana, Chapter 30, verse 9 When food is properly metabolized, and the digestion is good,…
Is it Safe to Mix Benadryl and Alcohol – Health Advice
What is Benadryl? Benadryl is thename of a brand for diphenhydramine, an antihistamine. Many doctors recommend Benadryl and other diphenhydramine products to treat the symptoms of allergy or hay fever. Such as…
Best Recipe For Cheesy Potatoes
CHEESY POTATOES The potatoes with cheese are easy to contour to prepare, perfect to serve with any second dish of meat or vegetarian. They are excellent with a simple side dish of meat, but also…
How To Get Into Ketosis Fast?
The well-known keto diet is one of the most effective diets in the world. The secret behind the effectiveness of this diet lies in changing the way your body works by putting…
Personalize Your Diet Plan & How to Design Your Own Diet
Not everyone has the resources to work with a nutrition coach to meet their goals. On the other hand, the endless crash diet plan and conflicting information online can make it challenging…
Cooking With CBD Oil
CBD has been gaining popularity due to its incredible benefits. It has been shown to help reduce pain, improve sleep, decrease inflammation, help with anxiety or depression, and have many long-term benefits like preventing…
Quick and Healthy breakfast ideas for grown-ups and children [2020]
After the night rest, the body needs to recover the blood sugar levels lost by taking between 6 and 10 hours of fasting. Sugar (glucose) is the body’s energy source. It is…
What is Hydro-NGB Oil? 10 Hydro-NGB CBD Oil Health Benefits
What is Hydro-NGB CBD Oil? You’re looking for a natural way to improve your health, and that’s exactly what CBD can do for you! CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, but…
Running: Top 10 commandments of the long distance runner
Top 10 tips for long distance running. Rest is another part of the training Without adequate rest, we can injure ourselves, and we will never assimilate the practice, nor will it give…