5 Ways CBD Can Improve the Health of Your Skin
Having naturally glowing and clear skin is something we all want to achieve; it makes us feel great, boosts confidence and improves our overall health and appearance. There are many natural products…
Is Your Favorite Fitness App Putting Your Personal Data At Risk?
Some experts say that the risk from corporate use of activity trackers and other wearables is low. However, there’s always risk potential, as is the case with any wearable device. Some reports…
What you should know about lead in drinking water
Despite strict federal regulations and nationwide efforts to update aging water infrastructure, lead contamination continues to impact community water supplies across the U.S. In fact, Aquasana’s second annual Water Quality Survey revealed lead…
7 Steps to Starting Your Own Nurse Practitioner Practice
Whether you are currently a registered nurse who dreams of running their own practice one day or you are a qualified nurse practitioner who is ready to be their own boss, making…
The Best 5 Step Anti-Aging Skin Routine
We all age, and it’s inevitable our bodies change with time. But we surely can age gracefully and heavily moisturized. The first place that shows any signs of aging is our face. Starting…
The Long-Term Benefits Of HRT
HRT, otherwise known as hormone replacement therapy, is commonly used by women going through menopause to alleviate a number of its associated side effects. Here is everything you need to know about…
Is Rapid Detox for Opioid treatment a Safe Option?
While opioid dependence has more treatment options available than other abused drugs, opioid addiction therapy remains a controversial medical field, with many different approaches on how to help those addicted to opiates….
Navigating Mental Health during a Global Pandemic
COVID-19 has presented some unique challenges for those of us struggling with mental health concerns. People have been forced to be restricted to their homes with limited access to in-person therapy or…
Healthy Dessert Recipes
Looking for a healthy fix for your sweet tooth? Desserts are often associated with too much sugar or fat, but they don’t have to be! Before we jump into the recipes, let’s…
How to Become a Mental Health Counselor
Mental health counselor are essential in helping people whose lives are being ruined by ill mental health to manage or overcome their conditions and to help them to improve their lives so…